Habitual Leg Crosser?

by Jogger on December 2, 2008

Yeah…me too.

For the past year, I’ve been trying really hard to curb this terrible habit because I know it is murder on your knee, and I think that my habitual crossing had a lot to do with the IT Band Friction Syndrome that I experienced from 2005-2007 (R.I.P…TG!) and intermittent knee pain and calf tightness that I still have from time to time in my right leg.

I have been seeing a physical therapist for all issues concerning my right leg since April, and Liz has done wonders for me and my life. I wasn’t able to run for 1.5 years during my worst phase. I felt lazy. And fat. And lazy. It was one of several obstacles that I dealt with over the course of about 5 years.

I’m sure all of my past woes will surface in due time. Mostly because I talk too much, but also because everyone needs an enlightened witness in their life. Hearing other people’s stories sometimes initiates a change in yourself.

I regress.

I was just reading about the damage that crossing your legs can do to the Peroneal Nerve. The Peroneal Nerve is this ginormous nerve that basically runs from your hip to your heel on the lateral side of the knee. It does a couple of twists and turns along the way. I wouldn’t have ever known about the Peroneal Nerve if it wasn’t for this strange numb-ish sensation that I’ve been having around that little sticky outty (yep, this is a medical term–I looked it up) boney thing on the outside of my leg just below my knee. The Peroneal Nerve is apparently attached to that part.

So, I came upon this article about Peroneal Nerve Dysfunction. It kind of made me feel yucky on the inside.

Loss of muscle control.
Loss of muscle tone.
Eventual loss of muscle mass.

Wow, that sounds like a joggers dream come true! Especially since the muscle tone in my right leg is already visibly different from the tone in my left leg (insert scary movie sound effect here).

Please don’t cross your legs. It’s all bad.

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