Cleaning Out My Closet

by on October 1, 2010

Because I am my Mother’s daughter, I am a cleaner. I’m an organizer. I like things in neat little boxes, tied with neat little bows. I like to alphabetize my spices. I am a firm believer in the adage “a place for everything, and everything in its place”.

Unlike some people, who desire solitude, darkness and still when they are dealing with life’s curve balls, I would rather grab a broom and dust pan, my label maker, and a sturdy sponge. Sometimes, like the weekend of September 11th, for instance, I clean from dawn until dusk. It allows me to put my life and my surroundings into neat boxes, closets and drawers.

To hang all of my clothes in the same direction.

To organize them by type.

And then by color.

And then by season.

And then realize that my closet is filled with all sorts of stuff that I never wear!

I donate clothes all the time, pairing down my closet little by little. However, in this most recent psychotic organizational episode, it occurred to me that there are many things that I’m holding onto for three reasons:

  • So that I can give them to a friend or family member rather than donating them (all of the women in my family are shorter and different sized than me).
  • I’m too lazy to list them on eBay.
  • I think that I maybemightcouldpossibly wear them again someday (it’ll never happen)

So, I’m just wondering if you guys would be interested in a series of giveaways featuring my gently worn clothing, sizes 8-10 and M-L, as well as various shoes ranging in sizes 7.5-8.5?  I’d so much rather send it to someone I “know” rather than donate it into oblivion.

I have a mixed bag of stuff…mid-priced to expensive jeans, dresses, skirts, jackets, shirts.  I’m not the most extravagant shopper, but I’m also not shopping at Kmart.  Not that I don’t ever shop at Kmart, but I just won’t try to give you any of my Cherokee brand clothing.

Well…I mean…if you want it, let me know…but I’ll assume that you don’t.

Hit me up in the comments if you think this is a grand idea.  Otherwise, off to Goodwill I’ll go!


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